Sunday, October 01, 2006

Photo a day

It's back! By popular demand, I am beginning a new photo-a-day project.

As many of you know, in 2005, I began a year long project to take and post a photo every single day for an entire year. You can see it by clicking here. It was a very challenging and rewarding experience. At times, it was extremely difficult to come up with anything interesting to shoot. Some days are just like that. But, that is part of the point of such an excercise. It forces one to develop a very creative eye, which as we know is essential to a good photographer.

Well, I am starting another. However, this time the rules I impose on myself will be a bit more flexible. The shot posted each day will not necessarily be from that day. It will simply be something new, and hopefully interesting or otherwise worthy of sharing with you.
I am sure it will once again be an interesting and growing experience for me, and hopefully one that you will enjoy as well.

Just to start it off, here's a shot I kind of like. (click the image above for a larger view) The technical aspects of this shot were not perfect, but the straight-on angle made for a cool image.

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