Monday, October 02, 2006

Mood shot

I sometimes particularly enjoy these "aside" shots from the weddings I shoot. This one is from a recent reception at a beautiful chapel in Norman. I was wandering around the room, capturing the usual images of the wedding party and guests eating, laughing and enjoying the event when I caught a glimpse of this image and captured it. The bride had laid her bouquet on this table and was across the room entertaining her guests. I didn't arrange anything for a more "picture perfect" angle. I just shot it as it was and went about my business. Later that night, upon reviewing the images of that day, I ran across it again. I like it. It's kind of difficult to explain exactly why, really. But, I do. It's not necessarily a ground breaking, award winning shot, but a subtle and simple glimpse from slightly out of the "action". (click on image for larger view)

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