Sunday, October 29, 2006


I had a session today with one of my favorite people. This is one of my favorite shots. (click image for larger view) More of Maggie will appear soon in my portrait gallery.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Scholar

This is the shot of the day. I shot some images of a friend today for a sort of online resume project he is working on. I think this one is funny.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Look out!

Boy, don't mess with MY wife!!
We went shooting today with some friends. We had a great time!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Just a shot of a friendly dolphin from my recent trip to San Antonio.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

New gallery

As many of you know, my office and studio are in my home. Recently, with the help of our good friend Marilyn, we transformed another room in our house into a gallery. There are still a few last touches to add, but here is how it looks so far.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Light experiment

This is a favorite from a shoot with a model named Paul. (click image for larger view)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Migrating hawks

I don't know much about birds, but these seemed to be some kind of hawks flying over my house this morning. I have seen large flocks of birds migrating before, but never this many hawks at once. It was hard to get a good shot to show the massive amounts of them. There were hundreds of them. I watched as they flew over in large groups like this one and it lasted probably thirty minutes.


I noticed this just outside my door after the rain yesterday.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Model shot

This one appears in my galleries as well, but I wanted to post it here because it is one of my favorites from a model session with Doann. (click image for larger view)

Saturday, October 07, 2006


A recent shot from my trip to California. (click image for large view)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Flora design

Created this today. This would make a nice poster size art print. (click image for large view)

Full moon

Halloween is coming. Is it time for a moon shot?

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Sometimes you just gotta shut down for a while. My precious grandaughter decided enough was enough today. I know you can see the steering wheel in this shot, but trust me, we weren't driving at the time. My wife is prettier AND smarter than Britney Spears.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A portrait fav

This is a favorite from a portrait session with a little girl named Hannah. (click image for a larger view)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mood shot

I sometimes particularly enjoy these "aside" shots from the weddings I shoot. This one is from a recent reception at a beautiful chapel in Norman. I was wandering around the room, capturing the usual images of the wedding party and guests eating, laughing and enjoying the event when I caught a glimpse of this image and captured it. The bride had laid her bouquet on this table and was across the room entertaining her guests. I didn't arrange anything for a more "picture perfect" angle. I just shot it as it was and went about my business. Later that night, upon reviewing the images of that day, I ran across it again. I like it. It's kind of difficult to explain exactly why, really. But, I do. It's not necessarily a ground breaking, award winning shot, but a subtle and simple glimpse from slightly out of the "action". (click on image for larger view)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Photo a day

It's back! By popular demand, I am beginning a new photo-a-day project.

As many of you know, in 2005, I began a year long project to take and post a photo every single day for an entire year. You can see it by clicking here. It was a very challenging and rewarding experience. At times, it was extremely difficult to come up with anything interesting to shoot. Some days are just like that. But, that is part of the point of such an excercise. It forces one to develop a very creative eye, which as we know is essential to a good photographer.

Well, I am starting another. However, this time the rules I impose on myself will be a bit more flexible. The shot posted each day will not necessarily be from that day. It will simply be something new, and hopefully interesting or otherwise worthy of sharing with you.
I am sure it will once again be an interesting and growing experience for me, and hopefully one that you will enjoy as well.

Just to start it off, here's a shot I kind of like. (click the image above for a larger view) The technical aspects of this shot were not perfect, but the straight-on angle made for a cool image.

Glasgow album

Steve and Valerie's album preview is online!
See it HERE.

Looper/Reiswig Wedding Proofs

Shawn and Jennifer's proofs are up! They are in the "Proofs" gallery at Contact me if you need the password.