Monday, July 31, 2006

Hodson / Baumgarner Wedding

Production is underway for Jessica and Jonathan's wedding this past Saturday and it is looking great! What a unique and beautiful wedding it was! Kathy and Scott did an amazing job of organizing the event. Debra and I had a great time, as did all of their guests. Jessica was truly a princess, and Jonathan looked really sharp in his white tux. The music choices were very unique and fit this regal event perfectly. It was all so beautiful! The Hodson and Baumgarner families were both such kind, easy going people that Debra and I felt like we not only gained new clients, but made new friends as well.
Stay tuned for the album showcase coming later in the week. In the meantime, check out this collage I created. (click image for larger view)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Utley/Higgins Wedding

Production is underway for Ty and Kristina's wedding last Saturday. It was a very nice wedding. Gary and Juliana did a fantastic job in organizing it. Ty and Kristina are a very sweet couple and I wish them the very best. This is a composite I designed today that will be featured in their album. (click image for larger view)
UPDATE: See the album preview HERE!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Angela: first shoot

Had my first official shoot today with Angela, the winner of the first round of Model Search 2006. The shoot was cut short by an approaching storm. We were going to stick it out and get as much as we could before it started raining, but a really close lightning strike and loud clap of thunder sent us running back to the truck! However, we did manage to capture some good stuff. Watch for good things to come from Angela in the near future. We will be scheduling more shoots very soon.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Staying in touch

I had a bridal portrait shoot this morning. As I was waiting for the bride to arrive, I said a prayer (I always do), thanking God for the wonderful blessings in my life and asking Him to be with me on the shoot, that I may capture something beautiful and inspiring. Just as I finished my prayer, this butterfly flew right over to me. I placed my finger next to it and it climbed on. With butterfly in one hand and camera in the other, I took this shot. Life is good!!!!
(Click image for larger view)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Baby Bee

I was feeling creative again today, having a little Photoshop fun!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Good friends

I am blessed to have some really good friends. I shot engagement photos for two of my friends yesterday, Zach and Kaylyn. We had a great time. They are a really fun couple to be around with a great sense of humor. I am looking forward to doing their wedding in December.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

..and the winner is....

What a race!! In a dramatic, come from behind win, Angela Vivar is the overall winner of the first round of Tony's Design Photography's Model Search 2006. A big THANKS to everyone who voted. Congratulations Angela!! Watch for more of Angela and her fellow finalists as their portfolio shoots commence! Signups for round two start now. Stay tuned!