Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Unruh Preview

Jeremy and Corie's album preview is online at tonysdesignonline! That was a great wedding! I especially enjoyed the trip because it was my first time to Kansas City. And now, they are one step closer to having their beautiful album! See the layout preview HERE. The preview takes a bit to load, but it is worth the wait!

Monday, May 29, 2006

A wonderful wedding!

Production work is underway for Bryan and Katie's wedding. It was wonderful!! Everyone had a great time. Zonelle and Charles were wonderful hosts and had all of the details worked out perfectly for a very smooth and enjoyable event. There wasn't a dry eye in the house when that beautiful bride came down the aisle! Katie's brothers, Matt, Casey and Jack certainly lived up to their reputations as gentlemen. Little sister, Jessie was as sweet as could be. It was a pleasure meeting everyone. Debra and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I am really excited as I churn out the photos. Hope you all enjoy the preview collage I created. (click the image for a larger view)Stay tuned for the album preview coming soon!!!

Model search deadline

Our semi-annual model search for the first round of 2006 is nearing it's end. The deadline for entries is Wednesday May 31st! On June first, five finalists will be chosen and given the opportunity for a test shoot. They will then choose images from that shoot to represent them in the online vote. The voting will begin immediately following the test shoots (date to be announced) and end June 30th. For more details about Tony's Design Photography's Model Search 2006, click HERE.

A blog is born!

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post. I really look forward to sharing and connecting with others. In my business, it is important to stay connected to people and to allow them to stay connected to me. This blog will facilitate that in a new and exciting way. Stay tuned!